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Reno County government includes several boards to assist and guide various departments. Some of these Boards have specific criteria for membership while others are open to any volunteers.  

We are currently accepting applications for the Reno County Planning Commission and the Reno County Health Department Advisory Board.  

Applications for other boards may be submitted for possible future openings.

County Boards/Appointments

Department of TransportationPublic Transportation CommissionBy-law/Resolution
Department of AgingCouncil on Aging Advisory BoardGuidelines
Community CorrectionsCommunity Corrections Advisory Board- AdultBy-laws
Health DepartmentReno County Health Department Advisory BoardGuidelines
Public worksPlanning CommissionResolution and By-laws
Public WorksBoard of Zoning AppealsResolution and By-laws
Youth ServicesJuvenile Corrections Advisory Boardby-laws and KSA 75-7044

Current Board Openings - 

Reno County Planning Commission - currently has openings for three members

The Planning Commission consists of a seven member Board who are tasked with reviewing land use applications such as a Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Subdivision Plat, and Final Subdivision Plat.  Other tasks as a Planning Commission member are to review the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Regulations, and Subdivision Regulations for possible amendments. The Planning Commission conducts public hearings on various land use applications and provides a recommendation on the land use application to the Board of County Commissioners.

A Planning Commission member also serves as a Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) member.  The BZA is tasked with reviewing Variances, Special Exceptions, and Appeals from an Administrator’s decision.  The BZA conducts public hearings on these land use applications and provides a decision on the land use proposal.  BZA decisions do not go to the Board of County Commissioners for a final decision.

Terms:  Members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for a three-year term.  Members can be appointed to a maximum of three, 3-year terms.  No more than three members may reside in an incorporated city limit boundary.

Experience:  No experience is required but land use knowledge is helpful as the member learns the role of the Planning Commission.  County staff will provide yearly training on the various roles of a Planning Commission member and can assist with additional training if necessary.

Meeting Dates:  The Planning Commission meets the third Thursday of every month at 4:30 pm at the Public Works Facility located at 600 Scott Blvd., S. Hutchinson, KS 67505.  The average meeting length is two hours.

Expectations:     A Planning Commission member is expected to attend the meetings, study the material outside of the meeting time, be an active participant, and have an open mind on all land use proposals.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue.

To learn more about the role and duties of a Planning Commission/BZA member contact Don Brittain, Director of Public Works, at 620-694-2976 or Mark Vonachen, County Planner II at 620-694-2978.  You may also email [email protected] or  [email protected] for information.

Please submit your application by October 1, 2024

Reno County Health Department Advisory Board

As we end 2024, the Reno County Health Department (RCHD) Advisory Board will have three members that will be ending their term.  The Health Department is asking Reno County residents, with an interest in Public Health, to assist them with advocating for public health, by being a member of our Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board shall advise the Director of the Reno County Health Department on health issues, evaluate the department’s progress, and serve as a liaison between the department and the community.  It is the responsibility of the Advisory Board to provide advice and recommendations on proposals presented by the Director of the Health Department, shall evaluate programs, services, adequacy of facilities, and staffing when requested by the Director of the Health Department, and shall provide advice, counsel, and recommendations regarding public health needs.

Term In Office - The full term in office will be three (3) years. Reappointment may be made for a second consecutive full term.

Number and Composition of the Board - The Reno County Health Department Advisory Board should include a consumer of public health services, a representative from the Medical community, a Childcare provider, and other members from the community to represent the top health concerns in the County.  At this time, top health concerns in Reno County include substance misuse, mental health, childcare, and access to care.  The Board should have similar representation from the clinical verses population health aspects of the health department. The Board will consist of at least 10 appointed members.  The Advisory Board shall meet once a month.

Please submit your application by October 1, 2024.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form) or paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the Reno County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. 

Reno County Public Transportation Commission

The Reno County Department of Public Transportation is seeking candidates to serve as a member of the Reno Public Transportation Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to advise the Reno County Department of Public Transportation Department in the review, evaluation and consideration of issues related to providing public transportation in Reno County, Kansas. Terms are three years long.  The Council meets bimonthly in January, March, May, July, and November on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Rcat Transfer Station.
Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information, please contact Kandace Bonnesen, Reno County Department of Public Transportation Director at 620-694-2911.

Reno County Council on Aging

The Reno County Department of Aging is seeking candidates to serve as a member of the Council on Aging. The purpose of the Council is to advise the Reno County Department of Aging regarding comprehensive planning for quality programs and services provided for those over age 60 in Reno County.   The Council reviews plans of action and recommends involvement with other community agencies and programs presently serving older persons. Terms are three years long. The Council meets bimonthly in January, March, May, July, and November on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Rcat Transfer Station.
Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information, please contact Kandace Bonnesen, Reno County Department of Public Transportation Director at 620-694-2911. 

Other Board Positions -

Community Corrections Advisory Board

The Community Corrections Advisory Board is a multi-disciplinary board of at least 12, but not more than 15, members from law enforcement, prosecution, the judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, the social services, and the general public.  The members are selected in accordance with K.S.A. 75-5297.  The purpose of the board is to advise Reno County Community Corrections in the development, execution, and evaluation of the State grants and the programs offered by the agency.  Community Corrections supervises adults assigned to felony probation by the Court.  The agency’s mission is to reduce recidivism and enhance public safety by providing evidence-based supervision and interventions to assist clients in achieving long-term positive behavior change.  Board appointments are for two years and the board meets four times a year.
If possible, the members appointed shall be representative of one or more of the following: (1) Parole officers; (2) public or private social service agencies; (3) ex-offenders; (4) the health care professions; and (5) the general public. At least two members of each corrections advisory board shall be representative of ethnic minorities and no more than ⅔ of the members of each board shall be members of the same sex.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. To learn more about the role and duties of Community Corrections Advisory Board, contact Randy Regehr at 620-694-2900. You may also email [email protected].

Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board- Education Representative

The JCAB is a multi-disciplinary board that consists of 12 or more members who represent law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, social services and the general public. The members of JCAB are selected according to Kansas statute 75-7044. The function of each JCAB is to develop a local comprehensive plan to address the concerns that are impacting the youth within the community, which is then presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. JCAB directs state funds that are allocated to our district for prevention, intervention and graduated sanction programs for juveniles and acts as the oversight committee for the community to ensure that the comprehensive plan remains at its peak of effectiveness. JCAB meets a couple times a year to go through a process of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the comprehensive plan in order to make modifications and to ensure maximum effectiveness with the funds available.  The appointments are for a term of 3 years, and members can be reappointed for additional terms if desired. 

Requirements: The applicant must be a Reno County educational professional.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information about the Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board, call 620-694-2500. 

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Employment Opportunities - Join the Reno County Team, view available positions here.

Reno County government includes several boards to assist and guide various departments. Some of these Boards have specific criteria for membership while others are open to any volunteers.  

We are currently accepting applications for the Reno County Planning Commission and the Reno County Health Department Advisory Board.  

Applications for other boards may be submitted for possible future openings.

County Boards/Appointments

Department of TransportationPublic Transportation CommissionBy-law/Resolution
Department of AgingCouncil on Aging Advisory BoardGuidelines
Community CorrectionsCommunity Corrections Advisory Board- AdultBy-laws
Health DepartmentReno County Health Department Advisory BoardGuidelines
Public worksPlanning CommissionResolution and By-laws
Public WorksBoard of Zoning AppealsResolution and By-laws
Youth ServicesJuvenile Corrections Advisory Boardby-laws and KSA 75-7044

Current Board Openings - 

Reno County Planning Commission - currently has openings for three members

The Planning Commission consists of a seven member Board who are tasked with reviewing land use applications such as a Rezone, Conditional Use Permit, Preliminary Subdivision Plat, and Final Subdivision Plat.  Other tasks as a Planning Commission member are to review the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Regulations, and Subdivision Regulations for possible amendments. The Planning Commission conducts public hearings on various land use applications and provides a recommendation on the land use application to the Board of County Commissioners.

A Planning Commission member also serves as a Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) member.  The BZA is tasked with reviewing Variances, Special Exceptions, and Appeals from an Administrator’s decision.  The BZA conducts public hearings on these land use applications and provides a decision on the land use proposal.  BZA decisions do not go to the Board of County Commissioners for a final decision.

Terms:  Members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for a three-year term.  Members can be appointed to a maximum of three, 3-year terms.  No more than three members may reside in an incorporated city limit boundary.

Experience:  No experience is required but land use knowledge is helpful as the member learns the role of the Planning Commission.  County staff will provide yearly training on the various roles of a Planning Commission member and can assist with additional training if necessary.

Meeting Dates:  The Planning Commission meets the third Thursday of every month at 4:30 pm at the Public Works Facility located at 600 Scott Blvd., S. Hutchinson, KS 67505.  The average meeting length is two hours.

Expectations:     A Planning Commission member is expected to attend the meetings, study the material outside of the meeting time, be an active participant, and have an open mind on all land use proposals.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue.

To learn more about the role and duties of a Planning Commission/BZA member contact Don Brittain, Director of Public Works, at 620-694-2976 or Mark Vonachen, County Planner II at 620-694-2978.  You may also email [email protected] or  [email protected] for information.

Please submit your application by October 1, 2024

Reno County Health Department Advisory Board

As we end 2024, the Reno County Health Department (RCHD) Advisory Board will have three members that will be ending their term.  The Health Department is asking Reno County residents, with an interest in Public Health, to assist them with advocating for public health, by being a member of our Advisory Board.

The Advisory Board shall advise the Director of the Reno County Health Department on health issues, evaluate the department’s progress, and serve as a liaison between the department and the community.  It is the responsibility of the Advisory Board to provide advice and recommendations on proposals presented by the Director of the Health Department, shall evaluate programs, services, adequacy of facilities, and staffing when requested by the Director of the Health Department, and shall provide advice, counsel, and recommendations regarding public health needs.

Term In Office - The full term in office will be three (3) years. Reappointment may be made for a second consecutive full term.

Number and Composition of the Board - The Reno County Health Department Advisory Board should include a consumer of public health services, a representative from the Medical community, a Childcare provider, and other members from the community to represent the top health concerns in the County.  At this time, top health concerns in Reno County include substance misuse, mental health, childcare, and access to care.  The Board should have similar representation from the clinical verses population health aspects of the health department. The Board will consist of at least 10 appointed members.  The Advisory Board shall meet once a month.

Please submit your application by October 1, 2024.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form) or paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the Reno County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. 

Reno County Public Transportation Commission

The Reno County Department of Public Transportation is seeking candidates to serve as a member of the Reno Public Transportation Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to advise the Reno County Department of Public Transportation Department in the review, evaluation and consideration of issues related to providing public transportation in Reno County, Kansas. Terms are three years long.  The Council meets bimonthly in January, March, May, July, and November on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. in the Rcat Transfer Station.
Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information, please contact Kandace Bonnesen, Reno County Department of Public Transportation Director at 620-694-2911.

Reno County Council on Aging

The Reno County Department of Aging is seeking candidates to serve as a member of the Council on Aging. The purpose of the Council is to advise the Reno County Department of Aging regarding comprehensive planning for quality programs and services provided for those over age 60 in Reno County.   The Council reviews plans of action and recommends involvement with other community agencies and programs presently serving older persons. Terms are three years long. The Council meets bimonthly in January, March, May, July, and November on the third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Rcat Transfer Station.
Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information, please contact Kandace Bonnesen, Reno County Department of Public Transportation Director at 620-694-2911. 

Other Board Positions -

Community Corrections Advisory Board

The Community Corrections Advisory Board is a multi-disciplinary board of at least 12, but not more than 15, members from law enforcement, prosecution, the judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, the social services, and the general public.  The members are selected in accordance with K.S.A. 75-5297.  The purpose of the board is to advise Reno County Community Corrections in the development, execution, and evaluation of the State grants and the programs offered by the agency.  Community Corrections supervises adults assigned to felony probation by the Court.  The agency’s mission is to reduce recidivism and enhance public safety by providing evidence-based supervision and interventions to assist clients in achieving long-term positive behavior change.  Board appointments are for two years and the board meets four times a year.
If possible, the members appointed shall be representative of one or more of the following: (1) Parole officers; (2) public or private social service agencies; (3) ex-offenders; (4) the health care professions; and (5) the general public. At least two members of each corrections advisory board shall be representative of ethnic minorities and no more than ⅔ of the members of each board shall be members of the same sex.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Form here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. To learn more about the role and duties of Community Corrections Advisory Board, contact Randy Regehr at 620-694-2900. You may also email [email protected].

Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board- Education Representative

The JCAB is a multi-disciplinary board that consists of 12 or more members who represent law enforcement, prosecution, judiciary, education, corrections, ethnic minorities, social services and the general public. The members of JCAB are selected according to Kansas statute 75-7044. The function of each JCAB is to develop a local comprehensive plan to address the concerns that are impacting the youth within the community, which is then presented to the Board of County Commissioners for approval. JCAB directs state funds that are allocated to our district for prevention, intervention and graduated sanction programs for juveniles and acts as the oversight committee for the community to ensure that the comprehensive plan remains at its peak of effectiveness. JCAB meets a couple times a year to go through a process of assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the comprehensive plan in order to make modifications and to ensure maximum effectiveness with the funds available.  The appointments are for a term of 3 years, and members can be reappointed for additional terms if desired. 

Requirements: The applicant must be a Reno County educational professional.

Please fill out an application online (Online Application Here). Paper applications (PDF Here) may be brought to Administration at the County Courthouse at 206 W 1st Avenue. For more information about the Juvenile Corrections Advisory Board, call 620-694-2500. 

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Employment Opportunities - Join the Reno County Team, view available positions here.

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