(620) 694-2900
[email protected]
209 W 2nd Avenue Hutchinson, KS 67501
Upcoming Training:
*** New Day and Time!***
Childcare Provider Orientation Class
The first Tuesday of every month, from 9 a.m. to noon at the Reno County Health Department.
Child Care Providers,
With the implementation of our new regulations, we understand many of you are eager to obtain a new regulation book. To request a regulation book pertaining to your program type, please complete this form.
A few helpful reminders:
- At the beginning of each month we will submit orders for regulations books to our printing department for all orders from the previous month.
- It may take several weeks for your regulation book to be delivered.
- Only requests for Child Care Centers/Preschools and Family Child Care Homes are being accepted at this time.
- Only one regulation book per facility will be provided.
- All regulations books are available on our website for ease of access and self-printing.