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Wastewater Contractors / Installers

Wastewater Contractors / Installers

The Reno County Sanitation Code requires licensure of anyone who installs, repairs, or alters a waste water system, including a home owner. The company or individual must complete an application, pay the fee, and take an exam to complete the license process. A contractor that would like to install waste water systems throughout the county must also have three hours of continuing education credits yearly. Study materials made available upon request to the environmental staff.

Inquires or concerns may be called in to Environmental Division staff at 620-259-2105 or [email protected].

Your completed application may be submitted by:

  • Fax to the Environmental Section: 620-694-2924
  • Hand delivery or mail to the Environmental Staff
  • Scanned and emailed to Environmental Division at [email protected]
  • Please also review our current payment policy located here.

*The owner-applicant, with or without professional assistance, is solely responsible in determining what systems to use in meeting Reno County Code requirements. County staff may answer questions regarding code compliance and give examples or suggestions only.


Contact Us


Environmental Division Office


600 Scott Boulevard South Hutchinson, KS 67505

